Arts Preservation & Development

  • Research and documentation of traditional dance and music.

  • Development of traditional arts learning curricula.

  • Organizing an annual cultural festival to promote local arts.

Talent Development & Competitions

  • Advanced training programs for talented members.

  • Involving members in regional and national competitions.

  • Establishing a mentorship program between seniors and juniors.

Sanggar Facilities & Resources

  • Seeking permanent training spaces with adequate facilities.

  • Procuring new musical instruments and dance costumes.

  • Expanding online learning platforms for wider reach.

Collaboration & Networking

  • Partnering with other art communities for joint projects.

  • Collaborating with the government and cultural organizations for support.

  • Exploring opportunities for collaboration and international art exchange programs.

Sustainability & Financial Growth

  • Creating business models (e.g., paid performances, dance classes).

  • Building a formal management team for long-term planning.

  • Applying for cultural grants and government funding.